Monday, January 5, 2009

First workday of 2009

I'm back from Christmas break and I'm excited about getting back to work! I got a new desk for my office this past weekend and I'm so glad I actually have a decent workspace and some storage! And I got the desk off of craigslist for a great deal! Here's a peek at my home office and new desk: Also, I have discovered a wonderful way to keep myself from getting distracted and keeps me in my office- temperature. Let me explain. I have a small heater in my office that keeps it nice and warm in here. I shut the door and keep all the heat trapped in. Meanwhile, I turned the heat off in the rest of the house because there is no need to pay to heat rooms I won't be in. So right now it is 83 degrees in my office and 55 degrees in the rest of the house. Let's just say that my bathroom and snack breaks and QUICK! Meanwhile it's about 30 degrees outside and it's been snowing all morning. Boy I'm glad I work at home!!

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